world Belief traditions
Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of reality. Recognizing that suffering comes from craving things that are impermanent (including life), and using practical tools like meditation to gain insight and develop compassion and wisdom, we – all of us – can tap into our potential to realize the ultimate goal of enlightenment—that is, being at in harmony and at peace with everything.
Here you will find information, features, expert opinions and more on everything from Buddhist practices and teachings, to what it means to call yourself a Buddhist, to Buddhism’s role in societies around the world, and much more.
Welcome to the Patheos Buddhist Channel!
American Buddhist Perspectives by Justin Whitaker
Bodhisattva Road by Daniel Scharpenburg
Monkey Mind by James Ford
Notes from the Temple by Satya Robyn
Wild Fox Zen by Dosho Port
Welcome to Patheos Catholic, a leading resource for Catholic news, commentary, and culture.
Catholicism is the largest and oldest continuous religious tradition in the world. The liturgy, spirituality, theology, arts, and history of the Catholic Church are an ever ancient and ever new light for nagivating through life toward God. Our writers explore the richness--the truth, beauty, and goodness-- of our religion by addressing the most pressing issues of the day head on. They include nuns, priests, laypeople, homeschoolers, scholars, psychologists, writers, poets, and public servants from both Roman Catholic and Eastern Catholic rites.
Patheos Catholic invites you to be faithfully drawn with us "By the love," as Dante put it, "that moves the sun and the other stars."
Welcome to Patheos Catholic, a leading resource for Catholic news, commentary, and culture.
25 and Catholic by Mary Kate Knorr
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry… by Cynthia Schrage
Among Thorns, Eucharist and Pizza by Joel de Loera
Be Not Afraid with Gary Zimak by Gary Zimak
A Belief Observed by Timothy Putnam
Betty Duffy by Elizabeth Duffy
Beyond All Telling by Accidental Mystic
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism by Dave Armstrong
Born Again Catholic by Patty Knap
Catholic and Enjoying It! by Mark Shea
Catholic Authenticity by Melinda Selmys
Catholic Bard by Mark and Kristin Wilson
The Catholic Book Blogger by Pete Socks
Catholic News by Catholic News
The Catholic Working Mother by JoAnna Wahlund
Chaos and Old Night by Sean P. Dailey
Christian Democracy by Jack Quirk
Coffee & Crucifix by René Albert
Contemplatio Culture by Theresa Zoe Williams
Convivium Salon by Pellegrine Deuel
The Cordial Catholic by Albert Little
Cosmos The In Lost by Artur Rosman
Cracks in Postmodernity by Stephen G. Adubato
Daffey Thoughts by Daffey Thoughts
The Deacon's Bench by Deacon Greg Kandra
The Divine Wedgie by Matt Tan
The Dorothy Option by Elias Crim
Eastern Catholic Person by Justin Tse
Eating Peaches by Marina Olson
El Puente by Victor Carmona
Embodied Faith by Colleen C. Mitchell
European Communion by Cameron Doody
Eve Tushnet by Eve Tushnet
Faith on the Couch by Gregory K. Popcak
Femina Ferox by Emily Claire Schmitt
The Font by The Font
Fr. Dwight Longenecker by Dwight Longenecker
Fumbling Toward Grace by Sarah Babbs
The Global Catholic Review by Andrew Chesnut
Good Letters by Good Letters
Il Naufrago by Aurelio Porfiri
The Inner Room by Kevin Johnson
Jane the Actuary by Elizabeth Bauer
Jappers and Janglers by Chase Padusniak
Kate O'Hare's Pax Culturati by Kate O'Hare
Labyrinthine Mind by Pablo Migone
Letters from the Edge of Elfland by David Mosley
Life Transparent by Mallory Severson
Light in the West by Edwin Woodruff Tait
Lisa Duffy: A Million Unheard Souls by Lisa Duffy
The Literary Papist by Tim Duffy
A Little Bit of Nothing by Henry Karlson
Longbows & Rosary Beads by Avellina Balestri
Lost in a One-Acre Wood by Jack Hartjes
Mackerel Snapper by Matthew Tyson
McNamara's Blog by Pat McNamara
Messy Inspirations by Fellow Dying Inmate
The Millennial Crusader by John Paul Gaston
Mudblood Catholic by Gabriel Blanchard
On the Catholic Beat by Brian Fraga
On the Upside by On the Upside
The Orant by Billy Kangas
Orthodoxy in Communion With Rome by Pete Vere
Peace and Pekoe by Kate Cousino
Perchance Perpetuity by Perchance Perpetuity
Pia de Solenni by Pia de Solenni
Pop Feminist by Emily C. A. Snyder
Proper Nomenclature by Keith Michael Estrada
Public Catholic by Rebecca Hamilton
The Pursuit of Holiness by Wiliiam Hemsworth
The Rule and the Raven by Anne Carpenter
Sam Rocha by Sam Rocha
The Shoeless Banshee: Meanderings Beyond the Pale by Marie Kopp
Sick Pilgrim by Sick Pilgrim
Steel Magnificat by Mary Pezzulo
Sticking the Corners by Jennifer Fitz
suspended in her jar by Rebecca Bratten Weiss
Synapses of the Soul by Sofia Carozza
Thin Places by Monsignor Eric Barr, STL
Through Broken Roses by Leticia Adams
Through Catholic Lenses by Fr Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Time Off Purgatory with Steve the Missionary by Steven Lewis
To Give a Defense by Scott Alt
Turn. Love. Repeat. by Fr. Stephanos Pedrano, O.S.B.
Unequally Yoked by Leah Libresco
The Vatican II Lutheran by Russell E. Saltzman
Vox Nova by David Cruz-Uribe
The Way of the Wildflowers by Tina Mayeux
Way Station in the Wilderness by Kristy Burmeister
With the Atheists in the Foxholes by Angry Staff Officer
Patheos Contemplative is a forum for the whole contemplative community. We’re monks and meditators, lovers of liturgy and pure mystics, students of ancient texts and studiers of the latest brain science. This channel is a place to share best practices, learn from each other’s experiences, discuss big questions, and most of all, support each other. We’re a community of people who share a distinct type of spiritual path. Welcome home.
Patheos Contemplative is a forum for the whole contemplative community.
Carl McColman by Carl McColman
A Glimpse of Awakening by Loch Kelly by Loch Kelly
Holyscapes by Jason M. Brown
Lorraine Kisly by Lorraine Kisly
Mindful Christianity Today by Paul Bane
Ordinary Mystic by Mark Longhurst
Strategic Monk by Greg Richardson
The Evangelical Channel at Patheos presents an Op Ed Page for the evangelical world. Its vision is to represent the best in evangelical thought, to articulate the gospel in a multireligious marketplace of ideas, and to host the conversations that shape the future of the church. We are pastors, professors and professionals, bloggers and columnists and journalists, some more conservative and some more progressive, joined together in our commitment to produce a better conversation from evangelicals and amongst evangelicals.
The Evangelical Channel at Patheos presents an Op Ed Page for the evangelical world.
Adrian Warnock by Adrian Warnock
Anabaptist Revisions by David C. Cramer
Andrew Farley by Andrew Farley
Anxious Bench by Anxious Bench
Between Two Kingdoms by John Ehrett
The Bible and Culture by Ben Witherington
Bible News Radio by Stacy Lynn Harp
Biblical Words and World by Tom Hobson
Black, White and Gray by Black, White and Gray
Christian Crier by Josh Wiley
Christian Podcast Central by Christian Podcast Central
The Christian Revolution by Taylor S. Brown
Church for Men by David Murrow
Church Grammar by Brandon D. Smith
Civil Righteousness by Jonathan Tremaine Thomas
Courage for Life by Ann White
Cranach by Gene Veith
Crox Sola by Nijay K. Gupta
Crux Sola: Formed by Scripture to Live like Christ by Nijay K. Gupta
David Rupert by David Rupert
The Deeper Journey by Frank Viola
Determinetruth by Rob Dalrymple
Digital Wisdom by Digital Wisdom
Dr. Laurel Shaler by Dr. Laurel Shaler
East Meets West Social Worker by Kim Parker, LCSW
Eidos by John Mark Reynolds
Eternal Perspectives, with Randy Alcorn by Randy Alcorn
Euangelion by Michael Bird
The Evangelical Pulpit by Patheos Editorial
Everyday Ethics by Jeremy Neill
Faith & Chelsen by Faith & Chelsen
Faith and Finance by Bob Lotich
FaithWalkers by Bill Blankschaen
Felix Culpa by Brenda Renee Coats
Fide and Femina by Anna Pepperling
Four Faces by Christopher D. Kou
The Fuller Blog by Britt Vaughan
Give Us This Day by Fr. Charles Erlandson
The Great Divide by Adrian Crawford
Hawkeye by S.J. Masson
Hispanic Evangelicals and The Lamb's Agenda by Samuel Rodriguez
Holy Writ by Dillon Burroughs
Imago Christi by Kenneth Tanner
In Christ by B. J. Oropeza
Jackson Wu by Jackson Wu
Jared Ingle by Rev. Jared V. Ingle
Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight
Jim Erwin by Jim Erwin
Jonathan Storment by Jonathan Storment
Just and Sinner by Jordan Cooper
Leithart by Peter Leithart
The Liturgical Theologian by Porter Taylor
Living in the Light of Eternity by KP Yohannan
Love is an Orientation by Andrew Marin
Mark D. Roberts by Mark Roberts
Mere Breath by Abra Carnahan
MTVpastor by MTVpastor
Narrative & Nuance by Dan Chappell
New Wineskins by Josh Daffern
The Northampton Seminar by Gerald McDermott
One Degree to Another by Scott Slayton
Pastor Mark Driscoll by Mark Driscoll
PaterFamilias Today by C. R. Wiley
Philosophical Fragments by Tim Dalrymple
Pilgrim's Road Trip by Michelle Van Loon
Ponder Anew by Jonathan Aigner
Pop Culture Coram Deo by Pop Culture Coram Deo
Preventing Grace by Anne Kennedy
Putting the Protest in Protestant by D. G. Hart
Rebecca Florence Miller by Rebecca Miller
ReImagine by ReImagine
The Road Home by Dean
Roger E. Olson by Roger Olson
Shattering Paradigmsby George Yancey
Soapbox Redemption by Andrew Murtagh
Thought Life by Owen Strachan
Tim to Get Right by T.R. Allen
The Toolshed by The Toolshed
Transcendentalish by Kevin Antlitz
Troubler of Israel by G. Shane Morris
Uncommon God, Common Good by Paul Louis Metzger
What Motivates Us. by Gospel for Asia
A Winged Creature by Ryan Welsh
Young Fogey by Esther O’Reilly
General Christian
What does it look like to live out the Christian faith? The Patheos General Christian Channel helps answer that question. Join everyday Christians in conversation about beliefs and practices, rituals and traditions—most of all, how to walk together from birth through death.
Welcome to the Patheos General Christian Channel!
Always And by Rev. Melissa Cooper
Christians in General by Christians in General
Coloring Outside the Lines by Cara Meredith
Cultivating Glory by Christie Purifoy
The Doxology Project by Brad Roth
Dry Bones by Kathleen Mulhern
Everything Becoming by Casey Tygrett
The Fluency of Hope by Alia Joy
Hidden Spaces and Holy Places by Quantrilla Ard, The PhD Mamma
Joe Puentes by Joe Puentes
Mere Chris-ianity by Chris Williams
Old Things New by Laura Jean Truman
The Porch by Jerusalem Jackson Greer
Redbud Writers Guild by Margaret Philbrick
Spiritual Direction 101 by Teresa Blythe
This Kinda Contemplative Life by Ed Cyzewski
Walk & Word by John C. Nugent
Zach Hoag Is Uncategorized by Zach Hoag
Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion with over 1 million Hindus in the United States alone. Hinduism is not an organized religion and has no single, systematic approach to teaching its values. Yet a common thread among all the variations of Hinduism is the belief in Supreme Being and adherence to certain concepts such as Truth, dharma, and karma. The Vedas (sacred scriptures) serve as the very definition of a Hindu, though how the Vedas are interpreted may vary greatly from person to person.
Here you will find information, features, expert opinions and more on everything from Hindu practices and teachings, to what it means to call yourself a Hindu, to Hinduism’s role in societies around the world, and much more.
Welcome to the Patheos Hindu Channel!
Hindu 2.0 by Sunil Daman
Samudra by Mat McDermott
Seeking Shanti by Padma Kuppa
The White Hindu by Ambaa
Judaism, the first and oldest of the three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths, is the religion and way of life of the Jewish people. The basic laws and tenets of Judaism are derived from the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Judaism focuses on the relationships between Creator, mankind and the land of Israel.
Here you will find information, features, expert opinions and more on everything from Jewish practices and teachings, to what it means to call yourself Jewish, to Judaism’s role in societies around the world, and much more.
Welcome to the Patheos Jewish Channel!
Everything Old is New Again by Michael Weiner
Jewish Voices by Jewish Voices
Open Table Judaism by Gregory Gronbacher
Seventy Faces of Torah by Seventy Faces of Torah
Wheels of Faith: Coasting Uphill by Steven Moskowitz
Writing from the Edge by Robert Cohen
Latter-day Saint
Welcome to the Patheos Latter-day Saint Channel!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was born in the United States of America and is often regarded as one of the fastest-growing religions. Mormonism is a restorationist movement within Christianity (Latter-day Saints believe the Great Apostasy occurred between the time of the New Testament church and it’s restoration under Joseph Smith).
Here you will find information, features, expert opinions and more on everything from Latter-day Saint practices and teachings, to what it means to call yourself a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to Mormonism’s role in societies around the world, and much more.
Welcome to the Patheos Latter-day Saint Channel!
Aestheism by David Mason
Benjamin the Scribe by Ben Spackman
Christopher D. Cunningham by Christopher D. Cunningham
Civil Nations by Blair G. Van Dyke
Faith-Promoting Rumor by Faith-Promoting Rumor
Home Waters by George Handley
KiwiMormon by Gina Colvin
Mormon Fundamentals by Lindsay Park
The Mormon Politico by Gary Ashcroft
The Mormon Therapist by Natasha Helfer Parker
Peculiar People by Peculiar People
Posts of Great Price by Posts of Great Price
Scattering Sunshine by Abby Christianson
Sic et Non by Dan Peterson
The Soul and the City by The Soul and the City
Spiritual Truth Seeker – My Tesseraeby Delisa Hargrove
The Muslim Channel at Patheos presents coverage of Muslims in America, Islam, and Islam as part of the global religious dynamic. The portal strives to present the issues facing Muslims in America and abroad to a non-Muslim audience while providing a deep conversations within the Muslim community on matters of faith, unity, shariah, Islamophobia, our Ummah, the Qur'an, hadith, sunnah, fiqh, differences of religious opinion and schools of thought, and the place of the mosque/masjid in Muslim life. The Muslim Portal's goal is to provide the best in Muslim thought and Islamic coverage with articles, columns and the best in Muslim blogs. We are moderate, conservative, progressive -- all striving to dispel misconceptions, end stereotypes, and provide accurate coverage and intelligent opinion on Islamic issues.
The Muslim Channel at Patheos presents coverage of Muslims in America, Islam, and Islam as part of the global religious dynamic.
Akram's Razor by Svend White
Al Mihrab by Irfan Rydhan
All Muslim by All Muslim
Altmuslim by Dilshad Ali
Ask A (Born Again) Muslim by Ejaz Naqvi
Aziz for America by Aziz Poonawalla
Emansplaining by Eman H. Aly
For the Love of God by Pamela Taylor
Grow Mama Grow by Bushra Tobah
Heartfelt by Nadiah Mohajir
Hijabi Handshaker by Suehaila Amen
Hindtrospectives by Hind Makki
Holding The Tension of Opposites by Khwaja Khusro Tariq
Islam Ahmadiyya by Qasim Rashid
The Living Tradition by Kabir Helminski
Love, InshAllah by Love, InshAllah
Mostly Muslim by Mostly Muslim
The Muslim Agorist by The Muslim Agorist
The Muslim Hippie by Sakinah
Muslim in the Middle by Farouk A. Peru
The Muslim Monad by Inas Younis
Muslimah in Progress by Muslimah in Progress
Muslimah Media Watch by Muslimah Media Watch
Muslimah Next Door by Dilshad Ali
MUSLIMNLOVE by Ihssan Tahir
Muslims for a Safe America by Muslims for a Safe America
My Islamic Life by Kristina ElSayed
NbA Muslims by Layla Abdullah-Poulos
One Ummah, Many Voices by One Ummah, Many Voices
Quranalyze It by Quranalyze It
The Rational Sufi by Muqtedar Khan
Sabr & Shukr by Saud Inam
Split the Moon by Split the Moon
Truth to Power by Hakeem Muhammad
New Visions
Patheos New Visions is where you’ll find spiritual practitioners that are, maybe, just a little beyond the edge—pushing the boundaries of current understanding of spirituality. Some are in the New Age and New Thought traditions; some are exploring interspirituality, transpersonal psychology and other alternative approaches to the spiritual journey. New Visions is inevitably diverse, but everyone here shares an openness to new ideas and a common desire to learn from and respect each other. Whether this describes you, or you’re just curious, come on in and look around.
Welcome to the Patheos New Visions channel!
Above and Beyond the 5 Senses by Kathleen O'Keefe
Companions on the Journey by Fr. SeĂ¡n Ă“Laoire
Debra Landwehr Engle "Everyday Miracles" by Debra Diane Engle
Essence of the One by Essence of the One
Exploring the Prayerfield by Celeste Yacoboni
Field Notes on Living by Mark Nepo
A Glimpse of Awakening by Loch Kelly by Loch Kelly
A Happy Medium by Kristy Robinett
Heavenly Creatures by Joanne Brokaw
Holy Rover by Lori Erickson
Holyscapes by Jason M. Brown
Interspirituality for the Modern Day Seeker by Gudjon Bergmann
It's Your Future: Astrology with Matthew Currie by Matthew Currie
Just Ask Jay by Jay Lane
Just One Thing by Just One Thing
Just One Thing by Rick Hanson
Karuna by Karuna
Living Tao with Ilchi Lee by Ilchi Lee
Luminous Living with Miriam Ava by Miriam Ava
Molly Wingate, Plain Speaking by Molly Wingate
Mystic Post by Stephen Ryan
Pit Stop for the Spiritually Bamboozled by Gerard Murphy
Poets & Lunatics by Wendy Murray
Project Awaken by Project Awaken
Race & Grace by Dr. Sam Kline
Revealing Your LuminEssence by Carl Studna
Sarah Over the Moon by Sarah Moon
Soul & Spirit by Thomas Moore
The Spiritual Naturalist by The Spiritual Naturalist
Spirituality and Consciousness by Pamala Oslie
Spirituality Itself by Spirituality Itself
Strategic Monk by Greg Richardson
Voices of Women of Spirit and Faith by Voices of Women of Spirit and Faith
Wake Up Call by Tom Rapsas
This is the Nonreligious Channel at Patheos, home of smart, engaging commentary across the full range of freethought.
No single voice can capture the full spectrum of religious disbelief in a world of a billion nonbelievers, so we bring you a chorus of voices from that rapidly growing community. Though all of our writers have walked away from religious belief, no two stories or approaches are alike. You’ll find everything here from interfaith humanists to anti-faith atheists, from the individual to the congregational, from the philosophical to the hilarious. Meet agnostics, atheists, anti-theists, humanists, and “nones,” all exploring their culture, world, and universe from the nonreligious perspective now claimed by one in five Americans.
Living without religion is as old the human mind and as young as the blogs at Patheos Nonreligious. Pull up a chair, and welcome to the conversation!
Able To Choose by Able To Choose
According To Matthew by Matthew Facciani
Across Rivers Wide by Galen Broaddus
Another Breed of Faith by Daniel Lev Shkolnik
Another White Atheist in Colombia by M. L. Clark
The Atheist + The Pastor by The Atheist + The Pastor
Atheist Allie by Allie Jackson
The Atheist Rabbi by Jeff Falick
Atheology by Stewart James Felker
barrier breaker by barrier breaker
The Blameless Sky by Farah Shah
Blinky & Sal by J. Burrello
Brother Richard's Life Without Faith by Richard Haynes
Camels With Hammers by Daniel Fincke
Cognitive Demons by Chris Kavanagh
Cross Examined by Bob Seidensticker
Daylight Atheism by Adam Lee
Dispatches From the Culture Wars by Ed Brayton
Dogma Debate by David Smalley
Driven to Abstraction by Shem the Penman
Ex-Communications by Recovering from Religion
For Infernal Use Only by Jack Matirko
The Freethinker by Barry Duke
Freethought Now! by Andrew Seidel
Friday Night Heretics Club by Deanna Boudov
Friendly Atheist by Hemant Mehta
The Gaytheist Manifesto by Callie Wright
The Godless Congregation by Greg Epstein
Godless in Dixie by Neil Carter
Godless Mom by Courtney Heard
Godzooks: The Faith in Facts Blog by Rick Snedeker
The Graffiti Wall by Alix Jules
Intentional Insights by Gleb Tsipursky
Kudzu in the Pines by Warren Tidwell
Laughing in Disbelief by Andrew Hall
Leaving Fundamentalism by Jonny Scaramanga
Love, Joy, Feminism by Libby Anne
The Lucky Ones by Dale McGowan
Miracle Girl by Stephanie Savage
Natural Wonderers by Wendy Thomas Russell
No Longer Quivering by Suzanne Titkemeyer
No Sacred Cows by David G. McAfee
NoGodBlog by Kathleen Johnson
On the Margin of Error by On the Margin of Error
Praying for Rain and Dancing with the Devil by Ruth
Progressive Secular Humanist by Progressive Secular Humanist
RA by Aron Ra
Rational Doubt by Rational Doubt
Removing the Fig Leaf by Removing the Fig Leaf
Roll to Disbelieve by Cassidy McGillicuddy
Sacred Naturalism by Sacred Naturalism
Secular Cinephile by Andrew Spitznas
The Secular Outpost by The Secular Outpost
The Secular Spectrum by The Secular Spectrum
Secular Voices by Kevin Davis
Secular World by AAI by John Richards
Sin God by Luciano Gonzalez
Temple of the Future by James Croft
Thinking Rationally by Mark W. Gura
A Tippling Philosopher by Jonathan MS Pearce
Token Skeptic by Kylie Sturgess
TransParent Expedition by Patrick L Green
What Would JT Do? by JT Eberhard
Beyond the Charge and Rede.
Paganism today is constantly evolving and growing. Wicca has evolved into myriad strains, and the broader Pagan movement has built upon and expanded beyond Wicca and Witchcraft. Several Druid traditions are thriving, and the old ceremonial magick lodges like the Golden Dawn and Ordo Templi Orientis have seen a resurgence since their original heydays. The revival of ancient paganism has spurred incredible growth in the Heathen, Hellenic, Celtic Reconstructionism and religio Romana communities. Unbroken traditions of indigenous religions such as Vodou, Santeria, and African Traditional Religions have a voice in the world religious community like never before.
It's a fascinating time to be Pagan. How do Dianic Witches work with Hellenismos polytheists? How do Heathens build community with Druids? Has the time for temples returned? Is practicing magic, or magick, an important part of your Pagan spirituality? Does the strength of our communities lie in our non-traditional forms of organization? How do our theologies embrace gay, lesbian, queer and transgender Pagans? Can a genuinely new Paganism thrive? Is reviving the religions of the ancients even compatible with modern life? How do we create a pluralist community embracing polytheist, animist, pantheist, panentheist, monotheist, duotheist, henotheists and atheist Pagans? How do we express solidarity with Native American spirituality, Hinduism and Shinto without crossing the line of cultural appropriation? Should we raise our children in our faiths, or allow them to choose their own path? Can Pagans evangelize (spread the good news of our traditions) and not prosetylize? Are the terms pagan and witch still useful? How do we overcome the idea that anything "pagan" is morally and ethically bankrupt? How do we make our voices heard as religious minorities?
Here at Patheos Pagan we're committed to exploring diverse views on Paganism in all it's diversity, from British Traditional Witchcraft in Brazil to the thriving communities of the Bay Area and Paganistan to the Mari people of Russia. There are a lot of Pagans out there, and each of them have a wealth of opinions. There is a lot to explore beyond Wicca 101. I hope you join us on the journey!
3 Pagans and a Cat by Cara Na Dagde
Adamantine Muse by Sorita d'Este
Aidan Kelly: Including Paganism by Aidan Kelly
Aine Llewellyn - Dalliances with Deities by Aine Llewellyn
The Ash Grove by Ashleigh “FoxBat” Smiley
Ask Angus by Angus McMahan
Away with the Witch! by Lyn Thurman
Baba Yaga’s Cottage by Madame Pamita
Beneath the Moon by Rachel Patterson
Between the Shadows by Sable Aradia
By Athame and Stang by Kelden
By The Pale Moonlight by Ian Chambers
Charged by the Goddess by Irisanya Moon
Dandelionlady by Melissa Hill
Dirt Heart Witch by Jenya T. Beachy
Double, Toil and Resist by Courtney Weber
The Fairy Tale Witch by Alura Rose
For Puck’s Sake by Mat Auryn
From a Common Well by Jean Pagano
Gateway Goddess by Kathy Kassab
Gone Witching by K. C. Alexander
Greening the Spirit by Vivianne Crowley
Hawthorne & the Rose by Elizabeth Autumnalis
Hearth Witch Down Under by Bekah Evie Bel
Heathen at Heart by Molly Khan
Holistic Spirituality by Tony Mierzwicki
John Beckett by John Beckett
Keeping Her Keys by Cyndi Brannen
Lasara Firefox Allen by Lasara Firefox Allen
Messages from Pluto by Sonja Sadovsky
A Modern Traditional Witch by Laura Tempest Zakroff
Modern Witch by Devin Hunter
Nature's Sacred Journey by David Pollard
Night Owl Meditations by Jessica Ripley
Oak and Olive by Laurel Reufner
Oathbound by Thorn Mooney
The Other Side of the Hedge by Christopher Drysdale
Outside the Charmed Circle by Misha Magdalene
Pagan In Paradise by Peter Dybing
Pagan Tama by Megan Trellia Manson
Poisoner's Apothecary by Coby Michael Smith
Quill of the Goddess by Jen Miller
Raise the Horns by Jason Mankey
Star and Snake by Brandy Williams
Starlight Witch by Starlight Witch
Tea Addicted Witch by Scarlet Magdalene
THE CARTOMANCER by Camelia Elias
Through the Grapevine by Jason Mankey
Translating Worlds by Samuel Wagar
Voodoo Universe by Lilith Dorsey
The Wandering Witch by Julia Penelope
Water Witch by Annwyn Avalon
Witch at the Crossroads by Katrina Rasbold
Witch of The Wood with Raven Wood by Raven Wood
Witch on Fire by Heron Michelle
Witch, Indeed by Lisa Wagoner
Witches and Wine by Chaweon Koo
The Witches Next Door by Phoenix LeFae & Gwion Raven
The Zen Pagan by Tom Swiss
Progressive Christian
Welcome to the Progressive Christian Channel at Patheos -- host to the conversations that are shaping the future of the Church, and home to the brightest voices from the mainline, progressive and emergent church. We are ministers, professors, scholars, spiritual directors, authors, artists, youth pastors, laypeople, parents and seekers, all longing to express some part of what it is to live faithfully as a Christian in today's rapidly evolving world and religious landscape. Join our conversations on the changing church, transforming theology, spiritual practices and formation, faith and politics, social justice, the Bible, inter-faith dialogue, preaching and teaching, parenting, religion and science, books, movies and pop culture.
Our faith is nothing if it’s not incarnate in the world. We hope the discussions we’re hosting will inspire you to be a more alive and gracious person of faith in this beautiful and broken world. Come with your convictions and your questions, and leave a comment on a blog or article that inspires or challenges you.
Activist Theology: Translating Theology to Action by Dr. Robyn
Alicia T. Crosby by Alicia T. Crosby
All Set Free by Matthew J. Distefano
Andy Gill by Andy Gill
Bethany Anderson by Bethany Anderson
Biblically Literate: Exploring a Radical Faith with Matthew J. Korpman by Matthew J. Korpman
The Bite in the Apple by Nancy Rockwell
Brad Jersak by Brad Jersak
Brian McLaren by Brian McLaren
Brown Eyed Amazon by AnaYelsi Velasco-Sanchez
Buddhist-Christian-Quaker by Danny Coleman
Capitol & Cathedral by Jacob Lupfer
Caryn Riswold by Caryn Riswold
Christian Piatt by Christian Piatt
Christianity For the SBNR by Sam Alexander
Christianity is Changing by Michael Hardin
Clint Schnekloth by Clint Schnekloth
Coming Out Christian by Coming Out Christian
A Convergence of Thought by J. Cody Nielsen
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship by Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Danielle Kingstrom by Danielle Kingstrom
Divergence by Darrell Lackey
EcoPreacher by Leah D. Schade
Edges of Faith by David Henson
Emergent Village by Emerging Voices
Emma Higgs by Emma Higgs
The Empty Pew by Josh Lawson
Everyday Black Matters by Grace Sandra
Faith Forward by Faith Forward
Faith in Public Life: Rev. Jen Butler by Rev. Jen Butler
Faith on the Fringe by Jim Meisner Jr.
Faith Shift by Kathy Escobar
Faith With Wisdom by Paul Peter Jesep
Femmevangelical by Femmevangelical
For Such a Time as This - The Rev. Winnie Varghese by Winnie Varghese
FreedHearts by Susan Cottrell
Freelance Christianity by Vance Morgan
Frustrated Grace by PK Langley
Glorious Life by C. Don Jones
The God Article with Mark Sandlin by The God Article with Mark Sandlin
Good and Truth by Coleman Glenn
Grey Matters by Meg Vallee
Hellbound by Kevin Miller
Hippie Heretic by Chuck McKnight
The Holy Kiss by Roger Wolsey
Honest to God by Jayson D. Bradley
Irreverin by Erin Wathen
James Wellman on American Religion by James Wellman
Jeff Hood by Jeff Hood
Jerseygirl, JESUS by Kerry Connelly
John Shore by John Shore
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove by Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove
Keith Giles by Keith Giles
Kermit Zarley Blog by Kermit Zarley
Kimberly Stover by Kimberly Stover
Living A Holy Adventure by Bruce Epperly
Love Minus Religion by Derrick Day
Mark Van Steenwyk by Mark Van Steenwyk
Mercy Not Sacrifice by Morgan Guyton
Michelle Collins by Michelle Collins
Modern Kinship by David and Constantino Khalaf
Nadia Bolz-Weber by Nadia Bolz-Weber
The Naked Jesus by Dr. John O'Keefe
The New Paraclete by Jim Coppoc
Nomad by Brandan Robertson
The Official Blog of Benjamin L. Corey by Benjamin L Corey
On Scripture - The Bible by On Scripture - The Bible
On the Way by Phil Fox Rose
The Pangea Blog by Kurt Willems
Paperback Theology by Tim Suttle
The Peripatetic Preacher by John C Holbert
Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome by Reba Riley
Progressive American by James Ireland
Progressive Youth Ministry by Progressive Youth Ministry
Radical Christian Millennial by Christian Chiakulas
RDC: Reverend – Doctor – Coach by Craig Morton
Refocusing My Family by Amber Cantorna
Religion Prof: The Blog of James F. McGrath by James McGrath
Rhetoric Race and Religion by Rhetoric Race and Religion
Richard Murray by Richard Murray
Sarah Thebarge by Sarah Thebarge
The Semi-Official Blog of Zack Hunt by Zack Hunt
Shalom in the City by Osheta Moore
Sheri Faye Rosendahl by Sheri Faye Rosendahl
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Soapbox Redemption by Andrew Murtagh
Social Jesus by Herb Montgomery
Spiritchatter by Jack Levison
Spirituality Within Addiction & Recovery by Dwight Lee Wolter
Storied Theology by J. R. Daniel Kirk
Stories - with Kaitlin B. Curtice by Kaitlin B. Curtice
Talk with the Preacher by Amy Butler
Teaching Nonviolent Atonement by Teaching Nonviolent Atonement
The Thoughtful Pastor by Christy Thomas
To Do Justice by Rebecca Todd Peters
Unfundamentalist Christians by Dan Wilkinson
Unfundamentalist Parenting by Cindy Brandt
Unsystematic Theology by Kyle Roberts
The View from Dixon Hall by Maria Dixon-Hall
Voices of RAWtools: Forging Peace in a World of Violence by Michael Martin
Wayward Woman by Melinda Robinson
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Faith and Family
As obvious as it is, the Patheos Faith and Family channel is where we write about faith and family. But it's not obvious how exactly to "do faith and family" in the modern multi-faith world, is it? That's where we come in. Some of us are married with kids, while others love single life. We live alone, with roommates, or in all kinds of families. Some of us earn a paycheck, others stay home with the kids and some manage both. We're deeply faithful, religiously apathetic, or somewhere in between. Despite the differences, we all navigate and juggle the current complicated issues of the world.
We're all different, but we're in this together – no matter what faith tradition you or your family is in, we all strive for generosity, courage, and love. So please, ignore the laundry, reheat the coffee from breakfast, and sit for a while. Being in a family is an important job, after all.
Family and Relationship Columns
Ashley Willis by Ashley Willis
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Clippity Clip by JEAN KINGSTON
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The Not So Excellent Wife by Sheila Qualls
Noting Grace by Jennifer Fancher
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Politics Blue by Politics Blue
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Patheos Politics Red invites you to be part of the conversations shaping America’s future.
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(re)integrate by Bob Robinson
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Marketplace Faith by Chip Roper
MISSION:WORK by Rev. Dr. Jennifer Wooodruff Tait
Oikonomia by Jennifer Woodruff Tait
The Pickled Pencil by Brandon Harnish
Profession of Faith by Sarah Conrad Sours
Purpose in Leadership by Purpose in Leadership
Shrinking the Camel by J.B. Wood
Visions of Vocation by Visions of Vocation
Work Cited by Work Cited
The Working Catholic by William Droel
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In the Public Square, we connect the timely and the timeless and host conversations about some of the most important questions in life.
LIBRARY OF World Religions and Faith Traditions
Written by the world's leading authorities on religion and spirituality, the Patheos Library offers the most accurate and balanced information available on the web.
In this section, you’ll find a list of the top 50 Major Religious traditions, arranged by origin. For each, Patheos offers thorough, peer-reviewed, encyclopedic information that helps readers understand its origins, history, beliefs, rituals, ethics, and community structures.
Select an origin then click the name of a religion to read in-depth articles.
United States Origins
adherents 15,500,000
Formed 1850
Origin United States
Africa Origins
African Independent Churches
adherents 110,000,000
Formed 1870
Origin Africa
Switzerland Origins
adherents 4,500,000
Formed 1525
Origin Switzerland
England Origins
adherents 70,000,000
Formed 1534
Origin England
Iran (Persia) Origins
adherents 5,000,000
Formed 1863
Origin Iran (Persia)
Holland, England, and United States Origins
adherents 100,000,000
Formed 1609
Origin Holland, England, and United States
India Origins
adherents 350,000,000
Formed c. 5th century B.C.E.
Origin India
China Origins
Chinese Religion
adherents 400,000,000
Formed -4000
Origin China
Palestine Origins
adherents 2,100,000,000
Formed 33
Origin Palestine
United States Origins
Christian Science
adherents 400,000
Formed 1879
Origin United States
China Origins
adherents 5,000,000
Formed c. 500 B.C.E.
Origin China
Europe Origins
Conservative Judaism
adherents 4,500,000
Formed 1886
Origin Europe
United States Origins
Disciples of Christ
adherents 700,000
Formed 1832
Origin United States
Roman-Byzantine Empire Origins
Eastern Orthodoxy
adherents 200,000,000
Formed c. 1st - 5th centuries C.E.
Origin Roman-Byzantine Empire
India Origins
adherents 1,000,000,000
Formed c. 2000 B.C.E.
Origin India
United States Origins
ISKCON (Hare Krishna)
adherents 250,000
Formed 1966
Origin United States
Arabian peninsula Origins
adherents 1,500,000,000
Formed 622
Origin Arabian peninsula
India Origins
adherents 6,000,000
Formed -550
Origin India
Japan Origins
Japanese Religion
adherents 1,000,000
Formed -400
Origin Japan
United States Origins
Jehovah's Witnesses
adherents 7,000,000
Formed 1931
Origin United States
Canaan Origins
adherents 14,000,000
Formed c. 2000 B.C.E.
Origin Canaan
Germany Origins
adherents 64,000,000
Formed 1517
Origin Germany
India Origins
Mahayana Buddhism
adherents 185,000,000
Formed 100
Origin India
England Origins
adherents 70,000,000
Formed 1744
Origin England
United States Origins
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
adherents 13,500,000
Formed 1830
Origin United States
United States Origins
New Age
adherents 3,500,000
Formed 1960
Origin United States
Middle East Origins
Oriental Orthodoxy
adherents 27,000,000
Formed 451
Origin Middle East
Europe Origins
Orthodox Judaism
adherents 2,000,000
Formed 1851
Origin Europe
Multiple sources Origins
adherents 1,000,000
Formed Early 20th Century
Origin Multiple sources
United States Origins
Holiness and Pentecostal
adherents 105,000,000
Formed 1900
Origin United States
Switzerland Origins
Presbyterian and Reformed
adherents 75,000,000
Formed 1529
Origin Switzerland
Germany Origins
adherents 500,000,000
Formed early 16th century
Origin Germany
Europe Origins
Reform Judaism
adherents 4,000,000
Formed 1810
Origin Europe
Roman-Latin Empire Origins
Roman Catholicism
adherents 1,170,000,000
Formed 1st - 5th centuries C.E.
Origin Roman-Latin Empire
United States Origins
adherents 500,000
Formed 1954
Origin United States
India Origins
Shaivite Hinduism
adherents 200,000,000
Formed -150
Origin India
India Origins
Shakta Hinduism
adherents 25,000,000
Formed 300
Origin India
Middle East Origins
Shia Islam
adherents 150,000,000
Formed 632
Origin Middle East
Japan Origins
adherents 3,000,000
Formed -500
Origin Japan
India Origins
adherents 23,000,000
Formed 1450
Origin India
England Origins
Society of Friends (Quaker)
adherents 300,000
Formed 1654
Origin England
Middle East Origins
adherents 9,000,000
Formed 675
Origin Middle East
Middle East Origins
Sunni Islam
adherents 940,000,000
Formed 632
Origin Middle East
China Origins
adherents 20,000,000
Formed c. 550 B.C.E.
Origin China
India / Sri Lanka Origins
Theravada Buddhism
adherents 124,000,000
Formed -100
Origin India / Sri Lanka
United States Origins
adherents 250,000
Formed 1825
Origin United States
United States / England Origins
United Church of Christ/Congregationalism
adherents 1,200,000
Formed 1957
Origin United States / England
India Origins
Vaishnavite Hinduism
adherents 350,000,000
Formed 300
Origin India
India Origins
Vajrayana Buddhism
adherents 6,000,000
Formed 500
Origin India
China / Japan Origins
adherents 10,000,000
Formed 650
Origin China / Japan
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