Catholic Personalities Popular Writers
Top Personalities
Favorite Contemporary Writers & Speakers
1. Jimmy Akin @ Jimmy Akin Catholic Answers
2. René Albert @ Coffee & Crucifix: Patheos
3. Dave Armstong @ Biblical Evidence for Catholicism: Patheos
4. Fr. Robert Barron @ Word On Fire
5. Fr. Casey Cole @ Breaking In The Habit | Reflections of a Friar in Training
6. Deacon Steven D. Greydanus @ Decent Films - SDG Reviews @ National Catholic Register
7. Fr. Benedict j. Groeschel @ Father Benedict Groeschel Official Store
8. Scott Hahn @ Dr. Scott Hahn - The Official Site
9. Trent Horn @ Trent Horn | Catholic Apologist Catholic Answers
10. Peter Kreeft @ The Official Peter Kreeft Site
11. Mark P Shea @ Catholic and Enjoying It!: Patheos @ Mark P. Shea: One Voice in the New Evangelization
12. Fr. Mike Schmitz @ Fr. Mike Schmitz Archives - Ascension Press Media
Popular Catholic
New Media Writers and Producers
Contributing Catholics
Musicians and others
Catholics/Christians 2
Fiction Catholics
Popular Catholic
1. Mother Angelica
2. Frank Sheed
Dorthey Day
4. Catherine Doherty
5. Flannery
Fulton Sheen
7. Fr.
Walter Ciszek
8. Cardinal
9. Thomas
10. Fr.
Michael Scanlan
Walker Percy
12. Patrick Peyton
New Media Writers and Producers
4. Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Mac and Katherine Barron
8. Fr.
KrisSchmidt A Beggar's Heart
Pope Pius IX
3. St Pius X
4. Benedict XV
6. Ven. Pius XII
7. St. John XXIII (1958-63)
8. Paul VI (1963-78)
9. John Paul I (1978)
10. St. John Paul II (1978-2005)
11. Benedict XVI (2005-2013)
12. Francis (2013—)
Contributing Catholics
Karl Keating CA
Pierre-Marie Dumont Magnificat
Dale Ahlquist GK Society
Deacon Keith Fournier Editor in Chief at
Catholic Online,
Alan Schreck FUS
6. Brother Guy J. Consolmagno,
Sam Rocha Patheos Man
8. Fr. James Martin America Mag/Pop
Timothy Dolan NY Catholic Channel
Cardinal Sean O'Malley Boston
Andy Atwood Otto CatholicTV
Fr. Joseph Fessio Ignatius Press
Pat Mc
14. William H Patheos Writer
Musicians and others
Catholics/Christians 2
M. Greeley
Joseph Myers
12) John C Wright
Fiction Catholics
G. K. Chesterton Detection Club
Graham Greene
S. Lewis Inkling
McInerny Open Library
Ronald Knox Detection
Percy Life You
Save May Be Your Own
o'connor Life
You Save May Be Your Own
Dorthey Sayers Detection Club
10) J. R. R. Tolkien Inkling
11) Evelyn
12) Charles Williams
Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood Kindle Edition
1. Melanie Jean Juneau
2. Anna Eastland (Author),
3. Bonnie Way (Author),
4. Monique Les (Author),
5. Monique LeBlanc (Author),
6. Roberta Cottam (Editor)
7. Bai MacFarland
9. Laura
Mary Phelps
10. Jennessa
11. Teresa
12. Liz Kelly
Eve Tushnet
Rebecca Weiss
5. Dawn Eden Goldstein,
6. Elizabeth Scalia
7. Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble
8. Michelle Arnold
9. Simcha
10. Avelena
11. Jaymie
Stuart Wolfe
12. Leah L
Jo Anne Wuland
Suzie Lloyd
Calah Alexander,
Danielle Bean
Lovely” by Amanda
Martinez Beck
Amy Welborn
Mary Healy
Heather Anderson Renshaw
Sue Ellen Browder
10. Cari
11. Maria
Morera Johnson
Kerry Weber
in the City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the
Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job (2014)
1. CatholicBard @BardCatholic (Mar 13, 2019)
2. Lino Rulli @linorulli (Nov 22, 2019)
3. Bob Rice @therealbobrice (Mar 25, 2020)
4. Amy Welborn @amywelborn2 (Jun 13, 2020)
Francis @Pontifex (June 14 2020)
Tolkien @JRRTolkien (Apr 12,
1. Fr.
Cassidy Stinson @TheHappyPriest (Feb 15, 2020)
2. Fr.
Timothy Grumbach @FrTimGrumbach (Jun 1,2020)3. Fr. Goyo @FrGoyo (Jun 10, 2020)
4. Bishop Down Umber @BishopUmbers (Jun 13, 2020)
5. Friar Nick, OFM Conv.@FrNickOFMConv (Jun 13, 2020)
6. Sister Bethany, fsp @SrBethanyFSP (Jun 4, 2020)
7. Fr. Ryan Hilderbrand @FrHilderbrand (Jun 14, 2020)
8. Sister Andrew Marie @SrAndrewFSP (June 6, 2020)
9. fr stan fortuna cfr
10. Dcn. Ralph Poyo @HobbitDeacon
11. Sister Allison Gliot @sister_allison
Fr. John Hollowell @frjohnhollowell
1. Giraffes
Are Like Werewolves @GiraffesAreFast (Sep 19, 2019)
2. Judymcdonald @judymcdonald
(Feb 22, 2020)3. chrismpadgett@chrismpadgett (Mar 24, 2020)
4. Patricia Heaton @PatriciaHeaton (May 10, 2020)
5. TheAmishCatholic @AmishCatholic (May 24, 2020)
6. Augustine of Hiphop @hiphopaugustine (Apr 12, 2020)
7. Tommy Tighe @theghissilent (Jun 7, 2020)
8. tea with Tolkien @TeawithTolkien (Jun 13, 2020)
9. Bears Are Fast @bearsarefast (Jun 12, 2020)
10. Emily, I guess @EmilyKath319 (Jun 13, 2020)
11. Nick Alexander @NickAlexCath (Dec 10, 2018)
Amy Welborn @amywelborn2 (Jun 13,
trad queen @goingblondzo
Unrighteous Digits@UnrighteousD
Catholic Centrist @catholicentrist
Trad Queen@CatholicAwesome
The Religious Hippie@HippieReligious
Angry Catholic@AngryCatholic
The Angry Catholic @imangrycatholic
Ashlyn Jeffries@ashlynjeffries
The Religious Hippie @HippieReligious
mariclaire murdaugh@_mariclaire_
Catholic Charm ✞@CatholicCharm
A Catholic Girl@ACathGirlProbs
Catholic Joe @catholicjose
Haley Stewart@HaleyCarrots
A Concerned Catholic@derekdonais
Casey the Quarantined CATHOLIC@CaseyHelen96
The Art Gremlin@madelynnotmadi
Summer Plague Witch Catholic@ThyWitchJessica
TheCheekyRunner @cheekyrunner123
Audrey E@audgeymarie
Haley Stewart@HaleyCarrots
Our Lady of….
of the Miraculous Medal
of La Salette
of Lourdes
of Knock
of Fátima
WW2 Catholics
Maximiliam Kolbe
Eidth Stein
Blessed Marcol Callo
Pope Pius XII
Hugh O'Flaherty – Wikipedia
Margit Slachta
Clemens August Graf von Galen
Gertrud Luckner
Rev. Ignatius Maternowski,
Youth Combos
José Sánchez del Río October 16, 2016. Blessed Miguel Pro,
2. Saint Dominic John Bosco Ablaze
St. Marie Goretti Alessandro Serenelli, Ablaze
4. Pier
Giorgio Frassati
Luciana Frassati Gawronska
St. Joan
10. Sr.
Clare Crockett Should Be a Saint or a Blessed.
1. Michael
2. Sister Mary Gianna Thornby
3. Jennifer Hubbard
4. Amish School Shooting
Holy Men and Women
Claudine Thévenet PJP2
Gianna Beretta Molla, PJP2
Alphonsa of the Immaculate
Conception Ablaze B16
Saint Mother Teresa
Saint Thérèse Couderc
Oscar Romero
Pope Francis
Father Jerzy Popielusko
Padre Pio
Damien of M
John Newman
– Josemaría Escrivá
Teresa Demjanovich
Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, O.Carm. American
Katharine Drexel American
Sr. Thea Bowman American
St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton American
Mother Cabrini
Terence James Cooke
Servant of God Black Elk American
Junípero Serra American
Stanley Rother
Solanus Casey
Father Augustus Tolton American
Doctors of the Chruch
- Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582), or
Teresa of Jesus, Spaniard, founder of the Discalced
Carmelites, and Doctor of the Church
- Saint Thérèse
of Lisieux (1873–1897), or Teresa of the Child Jesus,
French Discalced Carmelite nun, and Doctor of the Church
3. St. John of Ávila Doctor
4. St. Gregory of Narek* Doctor
5. St. Francis DeSales Doctor
6. St. Thomas Aquinis
7. St Catherine of Siena Doctor
8. St. Hildegard o Bingen Doctor
9. St.
John of the Cross
10. St.
11. TBA
12. TBA
To be Put Somewhere
Brian Moore
Karl Keating
Pierre-Marie Dumont
Dale Ahlquist
Deacon Keith Fournier
Alan Schreck
6. Brother Guy J. Consolmagno,
Sam Rocha
8. William H
9. Fr. James Martin
Timothy Dolan
Cardinal Sean O'Malley
Andy Atwood Otto
Musicians and others
1. John
Michael Talbot
Jim Gaffigan
Bob Rice
Bob Lesnefsky, a.k.a. Catholic rapper
"Righteous B,
Matt Maher
Fred McCarthy
Jason Bach
Dan Schutte
Steven Colbert
Regina Doman
Flynn Michael F. Flynn (6)
M. Greeley
A. Lafferty R. A. Lafferty (12)
M. Miller Walter M. Miller, Jr. (7)
Joseph Myers
Powers Tim Powers (4)
10) Christopher Stasheff Christopher Stasheff (9)
11) Gene Wolfe Gene Wolfe (19)
12) John C Wright
G. K. Chesterton Detection Club
Graham Greene
Lewis Inkling
McInerny Open Library
Ronald Knox Detection
Percy Life You Save May Be Your Own
o'connor Life You Save May Be Your Own
Dorthey Sayers Detection Club
10) J. R. R. Tolkien Inkling
11) Evelyn
12) Charles Williams
G. K. Chesterton
Peter Blatty
Graham Greene
C. S. Lewis
Walter Percy
Flannery o'connor
10. J. R. R. Tolkien
11. Gene Wolfe Gene Wolfe (19)
12. John C Wright
1. Mike Aquilina @ Mike Aquilina – The Fathers of the Church
2. Michael Barber @ Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know by Michael Barber
3. Mark Brumley @ Who We Are | Mark Brumley, Chief Executive Officer
4. Jeff Cavins @ Jeff & Emily Cavins
5. Matt Fradd @ Matt Fradd
6. Karl Keating @ Karl Keating – Author & Publisher
7. Patrick Madrid @ Patrick Madrid
8. Dr. Brant Pitre @ Brant Pitre
9. Steve Rey @ Defenders of the Catholic Faith
10. Devin Rose @ Devin Rose, Catholic Evangelist @ Devin Rose – IGNITUM TODAY
11. Edward Sri @ Edward Sri | To keep and ponder
12. George Weigel @ George Weigel - Denver Catholic
Popular Catholic Writers
Good Protestant Writers
1. Corrie ten Boom
2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
3. Chuck Colson
4. James Dobson
5. Elizabeth Elliott Through Gates of Splendor (1956)
6. Billy Graham
7. Max Lucado
8. Eric Metaxas
9. John Stott
10. Charles Swindoll
11. Philip Yancey
12. Ravi Zacharias
Catholic Women Writers
1. Concetta Belegia, FSP I,
Jesus (1995)
3. Helena
Burns, FSP He Speaks to You: He Speaks to You (2012)
The New Faithful: Why Young
Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy (2002)
My Sisters the Saints: A
Spiritual Memoir (2012)
Saints (1992)
The Way of Love: The
Battle for Inner Transformation (2013)
What The Saints Said
About Heaven: 101 Holy Insights About Everlasting Life (2011) with Richard
6. Miriam
James Heidland S O L T, Loved as I Am: An Invitation to
Conversion, Healing, and Freedom Through Jesus (2014)
Christopher West (Foreword)
7 Colleen Swaim
Ablaze: Stories of Daring Teen Saints Kindle Edition
Ablaze: Stories of Daring Teen Saints Kindle Edition
8. Patricia
Ann Kasten
Linking Your Beads: The Rosary's
History, Mysteries, Prayers, (2011)
Making Sense of Saints: Fascinating Facts About Relics, Patrons,
Canonization and More ( 2014)
9. “
Spiritual Wanderlust:
The Field Guide to Deep Desire Kindle Edition
by Kelly Deutsch (Author), Christopher West (Foreword)
10. Sr.
Briege McKenna O.S.C.
Miracles Do Happen: God Can Do
the Impossible (2002)
Magnificat Proclaims: A
Collection of Powerful, Inspiring Testimonies (2016)
11. Janet Smith
12. Sophie Hudson
Catholic Men Writers
2. Vinny Flynn
7 Secrets of Confession (2013)
7 Secrets of Divine Mercy (2015)
7 Secrets of the Eucharist (2005)
Mercy's Gaze: 100 Readings from Scripture and the Diary of St. Faustina (2013)
3. Randy Hain
The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work (2011)
Along the Way: Lessons for an Authentic Journey of Faith (2012)
Joyful Witness: How to Be an Extraordinary Catholic (2014) with Teresa Tomeo
Journey to Heaven: A Road Map for Catholic Men (2014)
4. Jon Leonetti
Your God is Too Boring (2015)
The Art of Getting Over Yourself (2017)
5. Kevin Lowry How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming Into the Catholic Church (2016)
6. Curtis Martin Made for More (2008)
7. Fr. James Martin @ James Martin, S.J. | America Magazine
8. Ralph Martin-
Fulfillment of all desire (2006)
Fulfillment of all desire (2006)
Hungry for God: Practical Help in Personal Prayer (2011)
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming (1991)
Mornings with Henri J.M. Nouwen: Readings and Reflections (1997)
Henri J. M. Nouwen: In My Own Words (2001)
Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life (2013)
10. Richard Rohr @ Center for Action and Contemplation
11. David Scott
The Catholic Passion: Rediscovering the Power and Beauty of the Faith (2005) David Scott
The Love That Made Mother Teresa: How Her Secret Visions and Dark Nights Can Help You Conquer the Slums of Your Heart (2014)
12. Fr. Robert Spitzer @ Father Robert Spitzer S. J.
Cultural Christianity
Dale Ahlquist,
G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense (2003)
Common Sense 101: Lessons from G.K. Chesterton (2006)
The Complete Thinker: The Marvelous Mind of G.K. Chesterton (2012)
All Roads: Roamin' Catholic Apologetics (2014)
Mac and Katherine Barron @ Mac and Katherine Barron
Clueless in Galilee: A Fresh Take on the Gospels (2018) Our Sunday Visitor
Nancy Carpentier Brown The Mystery of Harry Potter: A Catholic Family Guide (2007)
Kurt Bruner, Jim Ware
Finding God in the Lord of the Rings (2001)
God of the Fairy Tale: Finding Truth in the Land of Make-Believe by Jim Ware (Only) (2003)
Inklings @of God: What Every Heart Suspects by Kurt Bruner (Only) (2004)
Finding God in the Land of Narnia (2005)
Finding God in the Hobbit (2006)
Finding God in the Story of Amazing Grace (2007)
Shedding Light on His Dark Materials: Exploring Hidden Spiritual Themes in Philip Pullman's Popular Series (2007)
The Twilight Phenomenon: Forbidden Fruit or Thirst-Quenching Fantasy? by Kurt Bruner (Only with Olivia Bruner) (2009)
The Purpose of Passion: Dante's Epic Vision of Romantic Love (2010)
Oprah's Jesus by Kurt Bruner (Only) (2010)
The Stone of Destiny (2011)
Paul Elie
The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage (2003)
Reinventing Bach (2012)
Tremor of Bliss: Contemporary Writers on the Saints (1994)
Anthony M. Esolen
Ironies of Faith: The Laughter at the Heart of Christian Literature (2007)
Angels, Barbarians & Nincompoops (2017)
Jim Gaffigan and Jeannie Gaffigan
Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan (Only) (2013)
Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan (Only) (2014)
When Life Gives You Pears: The Healing Power of Family, Faith, and Funny People
By Jeannie Gaffigan (Only) , Jim Gaffigan (foreword) (2019)
John Granger @ Hogwarts Professor – Thoughts for the Serious Reader of Harry Potter
S.C. Naoum (2016) Eye of the Tiber
Connie Neal @ Connie Neal: Pop Culture Analyst, Author / Speaker
Joseph Pearce
Tolkien: Man and Myth, a Literary Life (2001)
C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church (2003)
Quest For Shakespeare (2009)
Catholic Literary Giants: A Field Guide to the Catholic Literary Landscape (2014)
Race With the Devil: My Journey from Racial Hatred to Rational Love (2013
Tommy Tighe @ catholichipster
The Catholic Hipster Handbook: Rediscovering Cool Saints, Forgotten Prayers, and Other Weird but Sacred Stuff (2017) Ava Maria Press
Jeannie Gaffigan (Foreword)
Catholic Hipster: The Next Level: How Some Awesomely Obscure Stuff Helps Us Live Our Faith with Passion (2019) Ave Maria Press
How to Catholic Family: Nurturing Faith in the Messiness of Everyday Life (2019) Word Among Us Press
#blessedmother: How to Follow, Share, and Defend Mary in the World of Social Media (2020) Our Sunday Visitor
Joking with Immortals
Abortion Survivors
Claire Culwell
Gianna Jessen
Ellen Wilson
Catholic Bloggers
Kathryn Brightly, @ Through a Glass Brightly
T.J. Burdick @
Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D. @
Joe Heschmeyer @ Shameless Popery
Thomas McDonald @ Weird Catholic
Colleen C. Mitchell @ Embodied Faith
Chris Mueller @
Steven O'Reilly @
Sarah Reinhard @snoring scholar Author of Untangling the Catholic Web
Michael Rennier @ Dappled Things
Brian Volck @ Brian Volck
Rick Yoder
Susan Windley-Daoust @ Ironic Catholic
Babylon Bee
The Onion
Jeffrey Stone, Mary Jane Frances Carolina Meara
Growing Up Catholic
Joan Desmond
Normal Facebookers
-caprice crane Verified account @capricecrane 15 Apr 2015
Justin Hertwig
Jane Howley
Sammons Against
Massimo Faggioli
Austen Ivereigh
Mike Lewis
Rich Raho
Stephanie Foley @
Sean Salai, S.J. @America.
Popular Catholic Writers
Nick Alexander
Danielle Bean
Cari Donaldson @ Catholic Exchange
Mother Dolores Hart O.S.B.
Fr. John Hollowell
Gary Jansen
Abby Johnson
Susie Lloyd
Bud MacFarlane
Aiden Nichols
Andy Otto
Fr. Cedric Pisegna
Father Ray Ryland
Roy H. Schoeman
Scott M. Sullivan @ Scott M. Sullivan | Scholastic Philosophy, Theology
Fr. Philip Scott
Wayne Weible
Rigorous Vortex
Fr. Cipolla @ RORATE CÆLI
Stephen Lynch DiJulius
David Anthony Domet @ Vox Cantoris
Matt Gaspers @ OnePeterFive
Kennedy Hall -@ The Fatima Center
Writers and TV Catholics
Sister Wendy Beckett
Billy Collins
Stephen Colbert
Frank Cottrell
Tony Hendra
John F. Kennedy
Paul Ryan
Ed Stivender
Fr. Ted
Matt Walsh
Bible Study
The rite of Write(ing) Apologists
The Rites of Write(ing) Bishops
The Rites of Write(ing) Priests 1
The Rites of Write(ing) Priests 2
Fr. Richard M. Hogan Dissent from the Creed: Heresies Past and Present (2001) Our Sunday Visitor
Kevin Orlin Johnson Why Do Catholics Do That? (1994)
Fr. Francis Martin Francis Martin The life-changer 1990
Fr. Hugh Pope
Fr. Mario P. Romero, Unabridged Christianity (1999) Queenship Publishing Company
Angela RasmussenTalking to your kids about coronavirus and suffering
Brian Killian Contra Viral Genocide
Carlos X. Colorado For the Domestic Church, a Paschal Hour
John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe Water in Togo: 500 Years Late
Claire Domingues Tagle: A missionary from and to the peripheries
Daniele Palmer My Clericalism and Querida Amazonia
David Wanat An Easter People, Even without the Sacraments
Daniel Amiri Exercise the Priesthood This Holy Week
D.W. Lafferty Noah and the Dinosaurs
Henry Karlson Religious Liberty, Neglected by Christendom, Restored in Vatican II
Joe Dantona Querida Amazonia: An Opportunity
John Paul Shimek The dubia, synodality, and the joy of the Gospel
J. Patrick Yodzis The New Americanism: Conclusions
Mark Hausam Was Pope Vigilius a Heretic?
Massimo Borghesi Western Caesaropapism and the Recent Popes
Matt Palmer Love, even when it’s difficult
Mike Lewis Episode 2 of the Peter’s Field Hospital Podcast!
Nate Tinner-Williams Love In the Time of Coronavirus
Nathan Turowsky Loneliness Today, Part VII: Going into the Desert
Paul Fahey At every time and in every place
Pedro Gabriel The disfigured crucifix: a museum faith or an Easter faith?
Pete Vere Of Warriors and Weakness: A Response to Mark Shea and Mary Pezzulo
Rachel Dobbs Almost everything will pass away
Robert Fastiggi Pope Francis and Mary Co-Redemptrix
Stephen Walford A Warning from History: St Paul VI, the Magisterium, and Theology
Toni Vercillo Who Art Thou, O Immaculata?
Various: Disorientation: How to Go to College without Losing Your Mind (2019)
Jimmy Akin
Dwight Longenecker
Peter Kreeft
Eric Metaxas
Fr. George Rutler
Elizabeth Scalia
Mark Shea
Robert Spencer
John Zmirak
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
Eric Brende Goodreads Profile
John Keck
Donna Steichen @ Donna Steichen - Crisis Magazine
Jeffery Tucker @ Jeffrey Tucker - Crisis Magazine
One Body, Many Blogs
T.J. Burdick @ Me - T.J. Burdick
Mark Barns a.k.a. Bad Catholic: Former Patheos
Brandon Vogt
Lisa Hendey: Former Patheos
Kevin Knight @ - NEW ADVENT: Home
Frank Weathers Former Patheos Why I Am Catholic
Greg Kandra: The Deacon's Bench - Where a Roman Catholic deacon ponders Patheos
Katrina Fernandez Former Patheos The Crescat
Jeff Miller a.k.a. The Curt Jester : Former Patheos Happy Catholic Bookshelf
Susan Windley Daoust a.k.a. The Ironic Catholic
Devin Rose
Deal Hudson
Dr. Ray Gurendi
Fr. John Riccardo
Teresa Tomeo
Ann Shields
Theresa Hofer
Collen Kelly Mast
Giles Dimock
Scott Hahn Various Books
Alan Schreck
Dr. Mark Miravalle
Regis Martin
Chris & Linda Padgett
Bob Rice
Fr. Michael Scanlon
Benjamin Wiker
Todd Aglialoro
Michelle Arnold
Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.
Jim Blackburn
Karlo Broussard
Christopher Check
Leah Darrow
Cy Kellett
Karl Keating
Peggy Frye
Peter Herbeck
Trent Horn
Tom Nash
Fr. Vincent Serpa
Jon Sorenson
Tim Staples
Stacy Trasancos
Jackie and Bobby Angel
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Jeff Cavins
Matt Fradd
Fr. Josh Johnson
Edward Sri
Danielle Bean
Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T. @
Michelle Benzinger
Heather Khym,
Michelle-Benzinger Becoming-Myself-
Fr. Philip Scott
Reflections with Fr. Leo Clifford
Catholic Free Press
Adam Johnson
George Weigel
John Garvey
Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk
Jaymie Stuart Wolfe
Michael Pakaluk
Debbie Rambo
Raymond L.Flynn
Russell Shaw
Father Roger J. Landry
Dwight G. Duncan
Father Kenneth Doyle
Father Robert Barron
Sister Constance Veit, lsp
Decolonizing Faith and Society by Alex Mikulich
It's Happening by Colman McCarthy
Pencil Preaching by Pat Marrin
Roundtable by Ken Briggs
Sunday Resources by Multiple authors
Distinctly Catholic by Michael Sean Winters
Faith Seeking Understanding by Daniel P. Horan
The Francis Chronicles
From Where I Stand by Joan Chittister
The Gospel of Sports by Mike Jordan Laskey
Grace on the Margins by Jamie Manson
Just Catholic by Phyllis Zagano
Priestly Diary by Fr. Peter Daly
The Peace Pulpit by Thomas Gumbleton
Signs of the Times by Thomas Reese
Simply Spirit by Christine Schenk
Soul Seeing by Michael Leach and friends
Scripture for Life by Multiple authors
Theology en la Plaza by Multiple authors
Young Voices by Multiple authors
Angelo Stagnaro
Bishop Robert Barron
Carrie Gress
Christian Brugger
Dan Burke
Edward Pentin
dward Pentin
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Fr. George Rutler
Fr. John Cush
Jeanette DeMelo
Jennifer Fitz
Jimmy Akin
Joan Frawley Desmond
John Clark
John Grondelski
ohn Grondelski
Joseph Pearce
Kathy Schiffer
Katrina Fernandez
Kevin Di Camillo
Marge Fenelon
Matthew Archbold
Matthew Bunson
Msgr. Charles Pope
Patrick Coffin
Patrick Coffin
Patti Armstrong
Philip Kosloski
Rebecca Hamilton
Stacy Trasancos
Steven D. Greydanus
Theresa Doyle-Nelson
Thomas Craughwell
Tito Edwards
Tom Wehner
Andrew Petiprin
Bishop Robert Barron
Brandon Vogt
Chris Boehmler
Chris Hazell
Christopher West
Daniel Stewart
Dcn. David Stavarz
Dominicans of the Province of St. Joseph
Dr. Holly Ordway
Dr. Jacob Wood
Dr. Michael Barber
Dr. Tom Neal
Edmund Mitchell
Elizabeth Scalia
Ellyn von Huben
Eric Wandrey
Fr. Billy Swan
Fr. Blake Britton
Fr. Connor Danstrom
Fr. Damian Ference
Fr. Dan Steele
Fr. Michael Cummins
Fr. Paul Murray, O.P.
Fr. Steve Grunow
Fredric Heidemann
Heather King
Jacob Bearer
Jared Zimmerer
Joe Heschmeyer
Jon Kearney
Joseph Gloor
Kerry Trotter
Leah Libresco
Luke Burgis
Matt Nelson
Matthew Becklo
Pat Flynn
Peggy Pandaleon
Rachel Bulman
Ricky Jones
Robert Mixa
Rozann Lee
Tim Glemkowski
Tod Worner
Word on Fire
Father Cedric Pisegna Ministries
Catholic liberalism,
Rolland Hein, Clyde S. Kilby Christian Mythmakers: (January 8, 2014)
C.S. Lewis,
Madeleine L'Engle,
J.R.R. Tolkien,
George MacDonald,
G.K. Chesterton,
Charles Williams,
Dante Alighieri,
John Bunyan,
Walter Wangerin,
Robert Siegel,
Hannah Hurnard
Edward Mackin MIA???
Robert Royal
Dorothy Day,
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen,
Catherine de Hueck Doherty,
Fr. Walter Ciszek, SJ,
Leon-Josef Cardinal Suenens,
John Cardinal O'Connor,
Mother Angelica
and Many Others
Father Ricardo Castellanos
Father Francis Mary Stone,
Michael Manning
Father Thomas Euteneuer
Albert Cutie
Kenneth J. Roberts
John Bertolucci and Fred Lilly
Fr. John Coropi
Fr. Pat Egan- IN TROUBLE
John Joseph Powell
Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? (1969)
A Reason to Live! A Reason to Die! (1972)
Why Am I Afraid to Love? (1972)
The Secret of Staying in Love (1974)
Unconditional love: Love without Limits (1978)
Fully human, fully alive: A new life through a new vision (1976)
He Touched Me - My Pilgrimage of Prayer (1976)
Abortion the Silent Holocaust (1981)
Rigorous Vortex
Fr. Cipolla @ RORATE CÆLI
Stephen Lynch DiJulius
David Anthony Domet @ Vox Cantoris
Matt Gaspers @ OnePeterFive
Kennedy Hall -@ The Fatima Center
Writers and TV Catholics
Sister Wendy Beckett
Billy Collins
Stephen Colbert
Frank Cottrell
Tony Hendra
John F. Kennedy
Paul Ryan
Ed Stivender
Fr. Ted
Matt Walsh
Catholic Personalities Apologetics and Bible Commentators
Bible Study
1. Karen Dwyer
2. Lawrence Dwyer
3. John Kincaid at the Sacred Page JWI
4. Fr. Henry Grey Graham
5. Tim Gray
6. Mary Healy
8. John Martigoni
9. Gary G. Michuta
10. Carmen Rojas
11. Dr. Steven Smith
12. William M. IV Wright ,
The rite of Write(ing) Apologists
2. David Currie, Born Fundamentalist Born Again Catholic (2009) Ignatius Press
3. Stephen Gabriel Catholic Controversies: Understanding Church Teachings and Events in History (2015) Moorings Press
4. Christopher Kaczor, The Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church (2012) Ignatius Press
5. David P Lang Why Matter Matters: Philosophical and Scriptural Reflections on the Sacraments (2002)
6. Dr. Rocco Martino, Rocket Ships and God: A Rocket Scientist Puts Faith to the Test (2015) Sophia Institute Press
7. Mark McNeil, All in the Name: How the Bible Led Me to Faith in the Trinity and the Catholic Church (2018) Catholic Answers Press
8. Carl E. Olson @ HOME | carl
9. Rodney Stark @ Rodney Stark
10. John DeRosa
12. Chad R Torgerson, Waking Up Catholic: A Guide to Catholic Beliefs for Converts, Reverts, and Anyone Becoming Catholic (2013 ) Assisi Media
Catholic Apologetics by Former Catholics
Michael CorenThe Rites of Write(ing) Bishops
1. Cardinal Joseph Louis Bernardin
2. Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz
3. Raymond Leo Burke
4. Cardinal Egan
5. Charles J. Chaput
6. Bishop Timothy Dolan
7. Cardinal Avery Dulles
8. Cardinal Francis E. George
9. Cardinal Sean O’Malley
10. Bishop Thomas Paprocki
11. Cardinal Robert Sarah
12. Bishop Donald W. Wuerl
The Rites of Write(ing) Priests 1
2. Fr. R. Scott Hurd @ R. Scott Hurd
3. Fr. Michel Kerper @ Fr. Michael Kerper
4. Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.
5. Fr. Mark Mossa S.J. @ Mark Mossa
6. Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik Hidden Power of Kindness A Practical Handbook for Souls Who Dare to Transform the World One Deed at a Time (1999)
7. Fr. Gregory Pine
8. Fr. Dave Pivonka @ Dave Pivonka
9. Fr Kevin Scallon
10. Fr. James V Schall,The Reason for the Seasons: Why Christians Celebrate What and When They Do (2018) Sophia Institute Press. .
11. Fr. Paul D. Scalia That Nothing May Be Lost: Reflections on Catholic Doctrine and Devotion (2017 Ignatius Press
12. Fr. Peter M.J. Stravinskas @ Fr. Peter Stravakis
The Rites of Write(ing) Priests 2
1. Fr. Andrew Apostoli Kindle
2. Fr. Ed Broom
3. Fr. Donald Calloway
4. Fr. Thomas F. Dailey Live Today Well St. Francis de Sales's Simple Approach to Holiness (2015)
5. Fr. Thomas Dubay @ Fr Thomas Dubay Home Page - Christendom Awake
6. Fr. Alfred McBride @ Alfred McBride OPRAEM
7. Fr. Jonathan Morris @ Father Jonathan Morris
8. Fr. Richard John Neuhaus @ Richard John Neuhaus
9. Fr. Mitch Pacwa @ Fr. Mitch Pacwa
10. Fr. Leo Patalinhug @ Father Leo Patalinghug
11. Monsignor Charles Pope
12. Fr.George Rutler @ Fr. George Rutler
Out of Print Catholics
Father Msgr. Richard C Antall Witnesses to Calvary: Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Jesus (1999)
Fr. Joseph F. Classsen Meat and Potatoes Catholicism (2008)
Deacon Keith A. Fournier Evangelical Catholics (1990)Fr. Richard M. Hogan Dissent from the Creed: Heresies Past and Present (2001) Our Sunday Visitor
Kevin Orlin Johnson Why Do Catholics Do That? (1994)
Fr. Francis Martin Francis Martin The life-changer 1990
Fr. Hugh Pope
Fr. Mario P. Romero, Unabridged Christianity (1999) Queenship Publishing Company
Where Peter Is – there is the Church
Adam Rasmussen Christ is present in creation, Cardinal BurkeAngela RasmussenTalking to your kids about coronavirus and suffering
Brian Killian Contra Viral Genocide
Carlos X. Colorado For the Domestic Church, a Paschal Hour
John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe Water in Togo: 500 Years Late
Claire Domingues Tagle: A missionary from and to the peripheries
Daniele Palmer My Clericalism and Querida Amazonia
David Wanat An Easter People, Even without the Sacraments
Daniel Amiri Exercise the Priesthood This Holy Week
D.W. Lafferty Noah and the Dinosaurs
Henry Karlson Religious Liberty, Neglected by Christendom, Restored in Vatican II
Joe Dantona Querida Amazonia: An Opportunity
John Paul Shimek The dubia, synodality, and the joy of the Gospel
J. Patrick Yodzis The New Americanism: Conclusions
Mark Hausam Was Pope Vigilius a Heretic?
Massimo Borghesi Western Caesaropapism and the Recent Popes
Matt Palmer Love, even when it’s difficult
Mike Lewis Episode 2 of the Peter’s Field Hospital Podcast!
Nate Tinner-Williams Love In the Time of Coronavirus
Nathan Turowsky Loneliness Today, Part VII: Going into the Desert
Paul Fahey At every time and in every place
Pedro Gabriel The disfigured crucifix: a museum faith or an Easter faith?
Pete Vere Of Warriors and Weakness: A Response to Mark Shea and Mary Pezzulo
Rachel Dobbs Almost everything will pass away
Robert Fastiggi Pope Francis and Mary Co-Redemptrix
Stephen Walford A Warning from History: St Paul VI, the Magisterium, and Theology
Toni Vercillo Who Art Thou, O Immaculata?
Various: Disorientation: How to Go to College without Losing Your Mind (2019)
Jimmy Akin
Dwight Longenecker
Peter Kreeft
Eric Metaxas
Fr. George Rutler
Elizabeth Scalia
Mark Shea
Robert Spencer
John Zmirak
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
Eric Brende Goodreads Profile
John Keck
Donna Steichen @ Donna Steichen - Crisis Magazine
Jeffery Tucker @ Jeffrey Tucker - Crisis Magazine
One Body, Many Blogs
T.J. Burdick @ Me - T.J. Burdick
Mark Barns a.k.a. Bad Catholic: Former Patheos
Brandon Vogt
Lisa Hendey: Former Patheos
Kevin Knight @ - NEW ADVENT: Home
Frank Weathers Former Patheos Why I Am Catholic
Greg Kandra: The Deacon's Bench - Where a Roman Catholic deacon ponders Patheos
Katrina Fernandez Former Patheos The Crescat
Jeff Miller a.k.a. The Curt Jester : Former Patheos Happy Catholic Bookshelf
Susan Windley Daoust a.k.a. The Ironic Catholic
Devin Rose
Catholic Personalities Ava Maria Radio
Al KrestaDeal Hudson
Dr. Ray Gurendi
Fr. John Riccardo
Teresa Tomeo
Ann Shields
Theresa Hofer
Collen Kelly Mast
Catholic Personalities Franciscan University
John BergsmaGiles Dimock
Scott Hahn Various Books
Alan Schreck
Dr. Mark Miravalle
Regis Martin
Chris & Linda Padgett
Bob Rice
Fr. Michael Scanlon
Benjamin Wiker
Catholic Personalities Catholic Answers
Jimmy AkinTodd Aglialoro
Michelle Arnold
Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.
Jim Blackburn
Karlo Broussard
Christopher Check
Leah Darrow
Cy Kellett
Karl Keating
Peggy Frye
Peter Herbeck
Trent Horn
Tom Nash
Fr. Vincent Serpa
Jon Sorenson
Tim Staples
Stacy Trasancos
Catholic Personalities Ascension Presents
Maria MitchellJackie and Bobby Angel
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Jeff Cavins
Matt Fradd
Fr. Josh Johnson
Edward Sri
Danielle Bean
Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T. @
Michelle Benzinger
Heather Khym,
Michelle-Benzinger Becoming-Myself-
Catholic Personalities on Radio
Fr. Tom Delerenzo ON THE RADIOFr. Philip Scott
Reflections with Fr. Leo Clifford
Catholic Free Press
Catholic Personalities The Boston Pilot Writers
Kevin and Marilyn RyanAdam Johnson
George Weigel
John Garvey
Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk
Jaymie Stuart Wolfe
Michael Pakaluk
Debbie Rambo
Raymond L.Flynn
Russell Shaw
Father Roger J. Landry
Dwight G. Duncan
Father Kenneth Doyle
Father Robert Barron
Sister Constance Veit, lsp
Catholic Personalities National Catholic Reporter
ColumnsDecolonizing Faith and Society by Alex Mikulich
It's Happening by Colman McCarthy
Pencil Preaching by Pat Marrin
Roundtable by Ken Briggs
Sunday Resources by Multiple authors
Distinctly Catholic by Michael Sean Winters
Faith Seeking Understanding by Daniel P. Horan
The Francis Chronicles
From Where I Stand by Joan Chittister
The Gospel of Sports by Mike Jordan Laskey
Grace on the Margins by Jamie Manson
Just Catholic by Phyllis Zagano
Priestly Diary by Fr. Peter Daly
The Peace Pulpit by Thomas Gumbleton
Signs of the Times by Thomas Reese
Simply Spirit by Christine Schenk
Soul Seeing by Michael Leach and friends
Scripture for Life by Multiple authors
Theology en la Plaza by Multiple authors
Young Voices by Multiple authors
Catholic Personalities NCR
Angelo Stagnaro
Bishop Robert Barron
Carrie Gress
Christian Brugger
Dan Burke
Edward Pentin
dward Pentin
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Fr. George Rutler
Fr. John Cush
Jeanette DeMelo
Jennifer Fitz
Jimmy Akin
Joan Frawley Desmond
John Clark
John Grondelski
ohn Grondelski
Joseph Pearce
Kathy Schiffer
Katrina Fernandez
Kevin Di Camillo
Marge Fenelon
Matthew Archbold
Matthew Bunson
Msgr. Charles Pope
Patrick Coffin
Patrick Coffin
Patti Armstrong
Philip Kosloski
Rebecca Hamilton
Stacy Trasancos
Steven D. Greydanus
Theresa Doyle-Nelson
Thomas Craughwell
Tito Edwards
Tom Wehner
Catholic Personalities Word on fire
Amy WellbornAndrew Petiprin
Bishop Robert Barron
Brandon Vogt
Chris Boehmler
Chris Hazell
Christopher West
Daniel Stewart
Dcn. David Stavarz
Dominicans of the Province of St. Joseph
Dr. Holly Ordway
Dr. Jacob Wood
Dr. Michael Barber
Dr. Tom Neal
Edmund Mitchell
Elizabeth Scalia
Ellyn von Huben
Eric Wandrey
Fr. Billy Swan
Fr. Blake Britton
Fr. Connor Danstrom
Fr. Damian Ference
Fr. Dan Steele
Fr. Michael Cummins
Fr. Paul Murray, O.P.
Fr. Steve Grunow
Fredric Heidemann
Heather King
Jacob Bearer
Jared Zimmerer
Joe Heschmeyer
Jon Kearney
Joseph Gloor
Kerry Trotter
Leah Libresco
Luke Burgis
Matt Nelson
Matthew Becklo
Pat Flynn
Peggy Pandaleon
Rachel Bulman
Ricky Jones
Robert Mixa
Rozann Lee
Tim Glemkowski
Tod Worner
Word on Fire
Catholic Personalities Catholic Channel Cedric Pisegna Ministries
· Seize the Day with Gus Lloyd Weekdays 7:30 - 10 am ET
Rebroadcast 10 am ETGus Lloyd gets your day started with a prayer and a smile. "Seize the Day" and live in the joy of the Lord! Gus chats with newsmakers, personalities and callers to discuss what's on their minds and in their hearts. Email Seize the Day at
Rebroadcast 10 am ETGus Lloyd gets your day started with a prayer and a smile. "Seize the Day" and live in the joy of the Lord! Gus chats with newsmakers, personalities and callers to discuss what's on their minds and in their hearts. Email Seize the Day at
- Available On Demand
The Jen Fulwiler Show Weekdays 2 - 4 pm ET
Rebroadcast 12 am ETSpend the afternoon with Jen Fulwiler as she takes a look at modern life through the lens of a Catholic convert and mother of six, weaving humorous personal stories with insightful commentary on current events. Her unique (and often surprising) perspectives and her sharp sense of humor combine to make the Jennifer Fulwiler Show an exciting addition to the afternoon talk radio world.
Rebroadcast 12 am ETSpend the afternoon with Jen Fulwiler as she takes a look at modern life through the lens of a Catholic convert and mother of six, weaving humorous personal stories with insightful commentary on current events. Her unique (and often surprising) perspectives and her sharp sense of humor combine to make the Jennifer Fulwiler Show an exciting addition to the afternoon talk radio world.
- Available On Demand
Catholic Guy with Lino Rulli Weekdays 4 - 6 pm ET
Rebroadcast 5 am & 8 pm ETLino Rulli is described by his friends as "The Catholic Guy" because that is exactly what he is... an everyday Catholic guy with a fresh, fun, and often off-beat take on living out the faith in the world today. Join Lino, "The Catholic Guy," for a look at the world unlike any you've heard before. Email The Catholic Guy at
Rebroadcast 5 am & 8 pm ETLino Rulli is described by his friends as "The Catholic Guy" because that is exactly what he is... an everyday Catholic guy with a fresh, fun, and often off-beat take on living out the faith in the world today. Join Lino, "The Catholic Guy," for a look at the world unlike any you've heard before. Email The Catholic Guy at
- Available On Demand
Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer Weekdays 6 - 8 pm ET
Rebroadcast 2 am & 10 pm ETNobody's perfect, but we're all on a journey toward God - so we all have "busted halos!" Paulist Father Dave Dwyer, who had a career in television (MTV, Comedy Central) and radio before being ordained a priest, invites young adult Catholics to make the connection between faith and everyday life. Email Busted Halo at
Rebroadcast 2 am & 10 pm ETNobody's perfect, but we're all on a journey toward God - so we all have "busted halos!" Paulist Father Dave Dwyer, who had a career in television (MTV, Comedy Central) and radio before being ordained a priest, invites young adult Catholics to make the connection between faith and everyday life. Email Busted Halo at
· The Crux of The Matter with John Allen Mondays 1 pm ET
Rebroadcasts Tuesdays 4 am ET; Saturdays 8 am & 10 am ET; Sunday 1 pm ET
Rebroadcasts Tuesdays 4 am ET; Saturdays 8 am & 10 am ET; Sunday 1 pm ET
“The Crux of the Matter” is a fast-paced, one-stop-shopping destination for the latest on the Vatican, global Catholicism, and the Church in the U.S., delivered with a nose for news and a sense of humor. Each week, Allen and co-host Inés San Martín run down the most important Catholic developments of the week, with a special focus on Pope Francis and the Vatican. Allen and San Martín also welcome a wide range of guests each week, including bishops and other Catholic newsmakers, pundits and commentators, theologians and activists, and just ordinary folks, to unpack the stories behind the news. If you give the “Crux of the Matter” an hour each week, it will bring you the Catholic world!
- Available On Demand
Pathways of Learning Tuesdays 1 pm ET
Rebroadcast Saturdays 7 am & 6 pm ET; Sundays 4 am ETWhat can life teach you? And how can your faith teach you about life and the world you live in. Join Sister Marie Pappas on Pathways of Learning every Saturday and Sunday to learn about "life's larger lessons" and the classroom that is as big the whole world around you. It's all about living, learning and believing.
Rebroadcast Saturdays 7 am & 6 pm ET; Sundays 4 am ETWhat can life teach you? And how can your faith teach you about life and the world you live in. Join Sister Marie Pappas on Pathways of Learning every Saturday and Sunday to learn about "life's larger lessons" and the classroom that is as big the whole world around you. It's all about living, learning and believing.
· Hallie Weekly Thursdays 1 pm ET
Rebroadcasts Fridays 4 am ET; Saturdays 8 am ET
Rebroadcasts Fridays 4 am ET; Saturdays 8 am ET
Join Hallie Lord once a week as she takes a look at what it means to live a life that is entirely alive, complete with highs and lows, joy and grief, tears and laughter, and ultimately, peace. The key? Learning to embrace the wild and crazy calls of God.
· Word to Life Fridays 1 pm ET
Rebroadcast Saturdays 2 am, 5 am, & 9 pm ET; Sundays 8 am ETFather John Maria Devaney, a Dominican Friar, helps us to understand God's Word, and how to live it out in our daily lives, with a contemporary and insightful look at our Sunday readings.
Rebroadcast Saturdays 2 am, 5 am, & 9 pm ET; Sundays 8 am ETFather John Maria Devaney, a Dominican Friar, helps us to understand God's Word, and how to live it out in our daily lives, with a contemporary and insightful look at our Sunday readings.
· Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral Weekdays 7 am ET & Sundays 10:15 am ET
Daily Mass Rebroadcast 10 am ETThe Daily Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, NY.
Daily Mass Rebroadcast 10 am ETThe Daily Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, NY.
· Religion and Rock Saturdays 11 pm ET
Rebroadcast Sundays 7 pm ET
Rebroadcast Sundays 7 pm ET
Twenty-Eight years and counting, Msgr. Jim Vlaun combines classic rock music with the message of the Gospel! Enjoy your favorite rock classics with a deeper message. Email at
- Available On Demand
Conversation with Cardinal Dolan Tuesdays 2 pm ET
Rebroadcast Wednesdays 12 am & 4 am ET; Fridays 7 pm ET; Saturdays 4 am, 6 am & 9 am ET; Sundays 3 am, 9 am, 6 pm & 9 pm ETEach week, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan will answer you e-mails, discuss a variety of topics related and address what is happening in the Archdiocese of New York and other significant issues in the Church.
Rebroadcast Wednesdays 12 am & 4 am ET; Fridays 7 pm ET; Saturdays 4 am, 6 am & 9 am ET; Sundays 3 am, 9 am, 6 pm & 9 pm ETEach week, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan will answer you e-mails, discuss a variety of topics related and address what is happening in the Archdiocese of New York and other significant issues in the Church.
· America This Week Wednesdays 1 pm ET
Rebroadcast Saturdays 2 pm ET; Sundays 12 pm ETJoin Fr. Matt Malone, S.J. Editor in Chief of America magazine along with America editors Kerry Weber and Tim Reidy joined by Fr. Jim Martin, as they address the headlines at the intersection of the Church and the world offering analysis on current affairs infused with Jesuit spirituality in this smart Catholic take on faith and culture.
Rebroadcast Saturdays 2 pm ET; Sundays 12 pm ETJoin Fr. Matt Malone, S.J. Editor in Chief of America magazine along with America editors Kerry Weber and Tim Reidy joined by Fr. Jim Martin, as they address the headlines at the intersection of the Church and the world offering analysis on current affairs infused with Jesuit spirituality in this smart Catholic take on faith and culture.
· Just Love Saturdays 12 am
Rebroadcast Saturdays 10 am ET; Sundays 5 am ETJust Love is about more than just loving others. It's about feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. It's about advocating for a just and compassionate society in which everyone -- young and old, citizen and newcomer, Catholic and non-Catholic -- can live and thrive in peace and safety. JustLove is about the work Catholic Charities do nationwide to rebuild after disasters, to touch almost every human need, and to provide help and create hope where they're needed. It's about doing rather than JustLiving.
Rebroadcast Saturdays 10 am ET; Sundays 5 am ETJust Love is about more than just loving others. It's about feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. It's about advocating for a just and compassionate society in which everyone -- young and old, citizen and newcomer, Catholic and non-Catholic -- can live and thrive in peace and safety. JustLove is about the work Catholic Charities do nationwide to rebuild after disasters, to touch almost every human need, and to provide help and create hope where they're needed. It's about doing rather than JustLiving.
· Sounds from the Spires Saturdays 1 am ET
Rebroadcast Sundays 12 am, 6 am & 8 pm ETExplore the world of the arts, especially music, as seen through the eyes of the Church. Hosted by Dr. Jennifer Pascual, music director of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Rebroadcast Sundays 12 am, 6 am & 8 pm ETExplore the world of the arts, especially music, as seen through the eyes of the Church. Hosted by Dr. Jennifer Pascual, music director of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
· Salt + Light Hour with Deacon Pedro Saturdays 3 pm ET
Rebroadcast Saturdays 10 pm ET & Sundays 2 pm ET Every week, Deacon Pedro brings you the best of Salt + Light: inspiring messages, insightful interviews, interesting commentary and music, plus news updates, a Saint of the Week and event updates from around the Catholic world.
Rebroadcast Saturdays 10 pm ET & Sundays 2 pm ET Every week, Deacon Pedro brings you the best of Salt + Light: inspiring messages, insightful interviews, interesting commentary and music, plus news updates, a Saint of the Week and event updates from around the Catholic world.
Catholic Personalities Classic Popular Writers
Catholic Classic Christian Writers
1. Pascal
2. John Henry Neman
3. Meister Eckhart,
Catholic Classic MODERN Christian Writers
1. Fr Ronald Knox
2. Thomas Merton
3. Malcolm Muggridge
4. Adrienne Spears
5. Hans Von Balthazar
6. Alice Von Hildebrand
7. Henri de Lubac
10. Dorthey Day
Catholic liberalism,
1. Hans Küng,
2. Karl Rahner,
3. Edward Schillebeeckx,
Some Catholic and non Catholic Christian writers
Rolland Hein, Clyde S. Kilby Christian Mythmakers: (January 8, 2014)
C.S. Lewis,
Madeleine L'Engle,
J.R.R. Tolkien,
George MacDonald,
G.K. Chesterton,
Charles Williams,
Dante Alighieri,
John Bunyan,
Walter Wangerin,
Robert Siegel,
Hannah Hurnard
Christian Catholic Writers
1) G. K. Chesterton
2) Andrew M. Greeley
3) Graham Greene
4) C. S. Lewis
5) Ralph Matthew McInerny
6) Sandra Miesel
7) Walter Percy
8) Flannery o'connor
9) Dorthey Sayers
10) J. R. R. Tolkien
11) Evelyn Waugh
12) Charles Williams
Christian Sci Fi Fantasy Catholic Writers
Catholic science fiction (51 books) Even More Authors
1) Michael D. O'Brien
2) Lynden Rodriguez
4) Mary Marshall
5) Amadeus From Catholic Answers
6) Regina Doman
7) Nancy Carpentier Brown
8) Kobie J Newton
9) Paul Leone
10) Dr. David C. Downing
11) Rod Bennett
12) T.M. Doran
13) Robert Ovies
14) John McNichol
15) D. G. D. Davidson
Catholic and Independent Authors
1) {Sarah Ashwood} Summisions
2) Declan Finn
3) Monalisa Foster
4) Richard L. Purtill
Parallel Worlds of Richard Purtill (2011)
5) William H. Duquette, Jason Bach (Illustrator)
Through Darkest Zymurgia!: A Ripping Yarn (The Known World Book 1)
Vikings at Dino's: A Novel of Lunch and Mayhem
Very Truly Run After: A Novel of Squirrels and Romance (Travels with Michael Book 2)
Island of the Panzer-Schnauzers: A Brief Tale of Adventure (2014)
Heirloom Editions from the Golden Age of Apologetics
· The Third Day (1945)
· The Spirit of Catholicism(1924) Karl Adam,
· Orthodoxy (1908) G.K. Chesterton
· Lord of the World (1907) Robert Hugh Benson
· The Faith of Our Fathers (1876) James Cardinal Gibbons
· Evidence for Our Faith Evidence for Our Faith(1952) Joseph Cavanaugh
· The Path to Rome (1902) Hillaire Belloc
· Catholic Evidence Training Outlines (1925) Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward
· The Soul of the Apostolate (1937)
Classic Works
Christopher Dawson,
Religion and World History: A Selection from the Works of Christopher Dawson (1975)
St. Francis de Sales
Finding God's Will For You (2005)
If your life seems to make no sense, or if you don't know which path to take, St. Francis de Sales will console and inform you. In Finding God's Will For You, he explains to you what God's will is and how He reveals it — yes, even to you, and even in the seemingly random events of your life.
Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P
Knowing the Love of God - Lessons From a Spiritual Master (2015)
Jacques Maritain, Bernard Lonergan, Joseph Pieper, Edith Stein, Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, Romano Guardini, Karl Rahner, Henri du Lubac, Karol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Charles Peguy, Paul Claudel, George Bernanos, Francois Mauriac, G. K. Chesterton, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Christopher Dawson, Graham Greene, Sigrid Undset, J. R. R. Tolkien, Czeslaw Milosz, and many more.
John T. Catoir, Encounters with Holiness: My Interviews with
Mother Teresa of Calcutta,Dorothy Day,
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen,
Catherine de Hueck Doherty,
Fr. Walter Ciszek, SJ,
Leon-Josef Cardinal Suenens,
John Cardinal O'Connor,
Mother Angelica
and Many Others
Catholic Personalities Priest Writers/Speakers Retired from Active Ministry
Monsignor Euguene ClarkFather Ricardo Castellanos
Father Francis Mary Stone,
Michael Manning
Father Thomas Euteneuer
Albert Cutie
Kenneth J. Roberts
John Bertolucci and Fred Lilly
Fr. John Coropi
Fr. Pat Egan- IN TROUBLE
John Joseph Powell
Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? (1969)
A Reason to Live! A Reason to Die! (1972)
Why Am I Afraid to Love? (1972)
The Secret of Staying in Love (1974)
Unconditional love: Love without Limits (1978)
Fully human, fully alive: A new life through a new vision (1976)
He Touched Me - My Pilgrimage of Prayer (1976)
Abortion the Silent Holocaust (1981)
Will the Real Me Please Stand Up: 25 Guidelines for Good Communication (1985)
Happiness Is an Inside Job (1989)
Through the Eyes of Faith (1992)
Quiet Moments With John Powell, S.J: 120 Daily Readings (2000)
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